LCI Re-Connected 360° Digital Experience | Melbourne Design Week 2021

Three friends casually meeting up outside a modern urban building, exchanging smiles and conversation.

Series 5: LCI Re-Connected 360° Digital Experience

Tune in for the digital counterpart of LCI Re-Connected for Melbourne Design Week 2021! We’re bringing you an entirely immersive and interactive 360º experience. Step into the classroom with us for each of the experimental design laboratories and use your mouse or arrow controls to pan around and explore everything on offer!

Access the full series of experimental design laboratories below!

Learn more about each of the featured art and design workshops below!

Creative Constructed Type Workshop | Barry Spencer

Adapt, modify and reinterpret your expectations and ideas of letter shapes! In this practical workshop, participants will construct letterforms using a range of scavenged and salvaged materials. Experiment with wood and cardboard to overcome a series of basic challenges, set to test your perception and understanding of letterform.

Stray from the ordinary and play with moving or fixed elements to create dynamic letterforms!

Bio Design Workshop | Michael Peck & Todd Heggie

In this workshop, LCI Melbourne’s Creative Director, Michael Peck and Fashion Academic, Todd Heggie, will teach you how to make bio leather from kombucha scoby!

Get experimental and learn to make a sustainable and flexible biomaterial, made from the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. Craft your ‘leather’ into a masterpiece during the workshop or save it for later to create clothing, accessories and other creative objects!

Scavenge & Salvage Workshop | Amy Graham & Michelle Mantsio

Experiment with the materiality of scavenged things. This workshop will teach you to find new ways of viewing the natural beauty of objects otherwise unnoticed. Using plastics, old clothes, fabric scraps, packaging and any other scavenged materials, we find new purpose for what would normally be thrown away.

Anything considered unwanted can be woven and threaded into something new. It is an intuitive process and the materials used will help guide the end result. We all have relationships with things and the places they came from, this emotional connection is what we hope to evoke in the end result.

Tech Petz Workshop | Donna O’Neill & Sam Bryant

Discover creative uses for those forgotten and discarded objects that are destined for hard rubbish. Find new uses for computers, printers, clocks, sewing machines, typewriters, in fact, anything that can be pulled apart.

Construct a Tech Pet of your own design and be proud that your creativity has helped reduce landfill. All materials are provided.

Grow to Give Workshop | Magda Czapiewska & Gee Ward

Whether you are a master propagator or just want to add some greenery to your space, this workshop is for you! Share plant clippings, create living art and grow to give in this multi-sensory workshop! Participants will explore the endless possibilities of recycled paper to make and decorate a biodegradable seedling pot to house plant clippings from LCI Melbourne’s green wall.

Workshops | LCI Melbourne, 150 Oxford Street Collingwood, VIC 3066

Creative Entrepreneur Canvas: an interactive workshop

Interested in creativity in business? Curious about design in commerce? Or have a start-up idea you'd love to bring to life?
  • September 30, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM