Applications - Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (rpl)?
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that acknowledges an applicant’s skills and knowledge, gained through previous study or work experience. RPL assists to reduce tuition fees and study loads, ensuring students don't repeat units they have already covered. LCI Melbourne will grant RPL if an applicant's prior learning is relevant to the program, and they can demonstrate this. Successful applicants will receive an ungraded pass in the units they are exempt from.
Applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
If you’re seeking credit for study you did at LCI Melbourne, we’ll use your academic record to assess how much credit you should get. There’s no need to supply additional information. If you’re seeking credit for study you did at another institution, your application for credit must include the following documents:
Academic Transcript: If your official transcript isn’t in English, please provide a translated copy that has been certified. This must include credit points allocated to each Unit/s and the total qualification credit point load.
Explanation of Results: Education providers express academic results in different ways. If your transcript does not include an explanation, you can include a link to the relevant page on the institution’s website.
Course Outline: This must detail information of your previous studies -
- Volume of learning (hours per unit)
- Unit Learning Outcomes
- Program of study, including content, and
- Completed examples of learning and assessment tasks.
If you’re seeking credit for prior work history, you must submit a CV, role descriptions, employer reference and ensure relevant tasks or roles have a direct equivalency to the learning outcomes of applicable units.
Applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
If you have completed or are studying one of the following, you may be eligible for RPL:
Applicants who have completed Vocational Education training.
Applicants with Higher Education study.
Applicants with prior creative industry (or relevant) work experience.
Please see below the LCI Melbourne RPL Application Form with further details.