Academic Support

Portrait of a happy young businesswoman in office. Female wearing casuals holding digital tablet looking at the camera.

LCI Melbourne's small class sizes and high classroom hours ensure that all our students receive ongoing academic support throughout their studies.

We also provide the following additional support services:

Orientation programs

Students commencing at LCI Melbourne or returning after a leave of absence are given a comprehensive orientation, covering topics from time management to academic policies and procedures, as well as introducing key LCI Melbourne administrative and academic staff. These sessions provide a solid introduction to the expectations, responsibilities and opportunities associated with higher education, assisting students to make best use of their time at LCI Melbourne.

Free Workshops

LCI Melbourne regularly runs a range of free workshops to help students make the most of the learning experience. These include a range of practical and experimental creative workshops as well as academic ones focussed on: Time Management, Language for Academic Purposes and Jumpstart (resume writing).


The Language and Study Skills Unit (LASSU) is a six unit program focusing on skills for higher education students such as essay writing, referencing, avoiding plagiarism and academic presentations.

Language and literacy assistance

LCI Melbourne provides students with free one-on-one assistance in academic literacy and essay writing. This service is available to students on demand, or by referral from tutors, as the semester progresses.

Mentoring program

LCI Melbourne runs a structuring Mentoring Program that pairs first year students experiencing academic or social challenges with more experienced students who can offer support.

Student progress monitoring

Throughout every study period LCI Melbourne continuously monitors students’ academic progress. This helps us to identify students who may be experiencing problems as soon as possible. LCI Melbourne’s Academic Progress Committee can then offer appropriate guidance and support.

Study plans

Students who do not successfully complete one or more units will be asked to attend a personal meeting with a representative of the Academic Progress Committee to discuss the options for the student’s future study load and strategies to avoid further unsatisfactory performance.