Personal Support

Who can I contact about personal issues?
Students experiencing difficulties that are affecting their studies can access confidential personal counselling funded or subsidised by LCI Melbourne. These difficulties may relate to personal, health, relationship or academic issues.
Our Student Experience Team are caring professionals interested in the welfare of our students. They can refer students to appropriate facilities and services offered in the campus vicinity. The International Student Coordinator liaises with LCI Melbourne’s international students and provides information, advice and referrals regarding health cover, accommodation, enrolment or any questions students might have adjusting to life in Australia.
Students experiencing difficulties that are affecting their studies are encouraged to directly contact the Student Experience Manager, Zoi Cameron. All LCI Melbourne students are eligible for personal counselling funded or subsidised by LCI Melbourne at LifeWorks. Confidential appointments with a counsellor can be made through the Student Experience Team via email or at the administration desk on campus.
Our Student Experience Manager will determine the best way to assist with whatever issue you have. For example:
- If you are having financial difficulties, we can arrange a personal meeting with LCI Melbourne's Business Manager;
- If you are having personal problems, we can arrange a referral to Lifeworks Counselling Service;
- If you are having academic issues, we can arrange a personal meeting with the Academic Dean or you Program Co-ordinator.
Emergency contact numbers for medical and other personal help can be downloaded here: Emergency Contact Information Sheet (PDF).
For crisis counselling phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit the Beyond Blue website for psychologists and medical practitioners who specialise in depression, anxiety and substance abuse.
LCI Melbourne also has trained First Aid personnel, IT and technical support, and Contact Officers (male and female) who can offer advice about issues such as discrimination, bullying or harassment.
Legal advice is available from Legal Aid Victoria on (03) 9269 0120