Rebecca Headlam

Major program: Fashion & Costume Design

Since I completed my degree with the Academy, I have had multiple great opportunities to extend my design capabilities and experiences. I always wanted to get straight into a full time job after studying at the Academy so my job search began not more than a week after graduation. After a couple of months of countless job interviews and creative projects to prove my worth to prospective employers I was lucky enough to be offered a position as a Design Assistant at Country Road.

Studying at the Academy taught me some really useful skills and knowledge that are implemented everyday in my current role. The fashion sketching in particular has proven to be increasingly important in my everyday work – being able to communicate visually what I see in my head is crucial in getting designs across the board. In my current role, every single day is different. My week can begin with researching upcoming trends and finding new inspiration and mood to sketching the new season’s range and liaising with suppliers. Coming into this role has solidified in my mind that this is what I want to do and the thrill of having a product that I have worked on come into store for an international brand is irreplaceable.

Business and Management | LCI Melbourne, 150 Oxford Street Collingwood, VIC 3066

Creative Entrepreneur Canvas: an interactive workshop

Interested in creativity in business? Curious about design in commerce? Or have a start-up idea you'd love to bring to life?
  • September 30, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM