Jaslar Pearl Student Spotlight

In his series Pseudonym, Dean Golja photographs spaces that at first glance seem to have few distinguishing characteristics. Many appear effectively to be non-places. The photographs document locations described by women involved in street-based sex work in the St Kilda area of Melbourne.
A performer receives a warm round of applause on stage, surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd.

Jaslar Pearl is a multifaceted creative with a mission to inspire others to follow their dreams and desires. As a student at LCI Melbourne and as a fashion designer, Jaslar acts as an agent for change, stimulating dialogue around social issues to create a positive impact.

Jaslar’s practice focuses heavily on creating an inclusive genderfluid, urban, and street aesthetic. Sustainability also acts as a key driver in Jaslar’s creative process for every garment and accessory.

In March 2022, Jaslar participated in the Paypal Melbourne Fashion Festival 2022. During their runway show, LCI Melbourne student Cassie Thomson painted live in the background. You can see the finished product at the end of the article, signed by Cassie and all the models that walked for Jaslar.

We recently caught up with Jaslar to chat about current collections, Melbourne Fashion Hub and their creative process.

Model in a monogrammed ivory ensemble holds a wine bottle, merging sophistication with a relaxed vibe. A scene captures a model serving wine to another, adding a theatrical twist to a fashion event.

1. Describe a typical day in the life of Jaslar at the moment. What are you currently working on?

A typical day in the life at the moment is mostly going to online class and working on assignments, in-between classes though I am working on production of my new collection "L'amore Vince Sempre" as well as looking for different events, pop ups and runways I can be a part of. 
Now that COVID restrictions are lessening I am spending this year getting my clothes in people’s hands and growing my presence at events and hopefully towards a store.

2. Can you share a bit about the inspiration behind your work? What factors inform your creative process?

Each collection issues a different relatable message, for example sustainability, identity, mental health, etc. 

For my current collection the aesthetics are inspired by my Italian heritage and Salina, Italy, an aeolian island my maternal family is from. Mainly coming through in the form of colourway which sees pastel colours influenced by the landscape and architecture. When it comes to the premise behind the collection it is all about identity, challenging toxic masculinity and wearing what you want rather than listening to other people or gender/sexuality "norms".

Two models engage in a playful interaction on stage, dressed in colorful, imaginative outfits. A male and female model pose confidently, showcasing a mix of casual elegance with patterned attire.

3. We wanted to congratulate you on your involvement with Melbourne Fashion Hub! What has the experience been like?

I had a really great time with Melbourne Fashion Hub, Julia is very knowledgeable and super helpful linking us with a bunch of people in the industry as she is well connected. 

The pop up was also a really cool experience and notch to put on my belt, being able to get my brand and face out there in Melbourne city. During the pop up I was able to link up with other designers and speak with potential customers about my label but also taught me what products most people are drawn towards.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about the collections you have designed?

The first collection I designed was about self confidence in a way and believing in yourself to chase your dreams. It was very streetwear with mostly graphic tees, track suits and baggy jeans. Since then, my label has grown and changed, although it has street inspired elements especially in the silhouettes, I never wanted to be labelled streetwear as I don't want to be restricted in what I can and can't make.

Models exude confidence in eclectic fashion, with one in a coral-embellished jacket and the other in a striking bandeau. Two models strike a pose in urban streetwear, one in a graphic tee and the other in a geometric-patterned sweatshirt.

5. Were you a creative kid? When did you realise you wanted to explore art and design?

It's hard to say whether or not I was a creative kid, I think I probably was I just struggled with confidence in my younger years, so I never really wanted to do anything that stood out, was always fairly good at drawing though. I've always wanted to be a fashion designer since I was 8 and my mum taught me the basics of how to sew but didn't pursue it until later because I was too self-conscious.

6. What is it like working across so many mediums? Namely, fashion and music?

I really just like to create stuff so it could be almost anything and I just want to learn how to do it. Probably my favourite part of having a label is creative directing, making something in its entirety, making each part of it to tell a story. Although it does make it hard though to dedicate time to each medium, but YouTube makes it easy to learn.

Models wearing whimsical outfits walk the runway, highlighting a mix of vibrant colors and plush textures. Two models connect in a dynamic pose, showcasing modern casual wear with a colorful, textured jacket and relaxed sweater.

7. How is studying at LCI Melbourne for you? How do you think your journey has been affected by your mentors and classmates?

I enjoy LCI everyone is so supportive and friendly working together and the mentors generally make immediate time for you to help where necessary. When I am interstate, it definitely does make it harder to stay focussed online but the mentors do their best to keep you engaged and the additional help/care they offer makes up for it.

8. Do you have any advice for future LCI Melbourne students? How can they make the most out of their study?

The only advice I would probably give to future students is to speak up and develop a relationship with the mentors. The mentors are active in their industries and have a lot of resources and connections to get you on the right direction even outside of class. It also makes it easier to get help if you are struggling and takes the pressure off a bit.

9. What’s next for you as a creative?

As for what's next for me, I am trying to stay focused on getting through my degree, making the most of LCI Melbourne and then just trying to get my name and product out there in the world. I want to use this year to grow and achieve the things I have been planning since the start whilst also on the side slowly working on new designs. Getting my products stocked at the exact boutiques I chose and doing as many pop ups as possible. 

A vibrant painting of a lemon tree, adorned with signatures at the base, symbolizing collective creativity.